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Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The displayed items are limited to the latest 1, news releases that match your filter criteria. Please try narrowing your filter criteria by date, topic or location if you do not find the news release you are seeking. Contact Us. Quick Links. Filter By.
Search Help: The displayed items are limited to the latest 1, news releases that match your filter criteria. ICE conducts single adult, family unit removal flights Nov. Individuals who lack a lawful basis to stay in the United States are ordered removed, consistent with U. All individuals who are removed have been screened for protection concerns.
Businessman sentenced for traveling to pay for sex following HSI, local partner investigation. A federal grand jury in the District of Puerto Rico returned an indictment charging Carlos Alberto Hernandez-Laguer aka Brea, Luis Roberto De Leon-Sanchez aka Coco, and Misael Ruiz-Valentin aka Misa, with four counts of conspiracy to import cocaine, importation of cocaine, conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine, and possession with intent to distribute cocaine.
Elena Barrera, a year-old resident of Mathis, pleaded guilty in the Southern District of Texas to conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute liquid methamphetamines. South Texas man convicted of taking migrants hostage, smuggling and weapons charges following HSI Rio Grande Valley, federal partner investigation. Texas man convicted of downloading child sexual abuse material gets 11 years following HSI San Antonio investigation.