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The tail wagging the dog is an idiom that usually refers to something important or powerful being controlled by something less so. Its earliest use is in the play Our American Cousin. The film Wag the Dog shortened the phrase and added the additional meaning of "superfluous military action in order to distract from domestic scandal. And others still appear to have come from both media. An example of this is the idiom the tail wagging the dog. Lord Dundreary, a fictional British nobleman, makes a number of execrable jokes in this play.
Why does a dog waggle his tail? Flo Upon my word, I never inquired. The joke quickly became part of our vernacular, although the theatrical origins were often omitted the line was sometimes attributed to a real, rather than fictional, lord. It did not take long for the form to change slightly, and wag was substituted for waggle.
Ordinarily the resolution is of more importance than the preamble, but here the relation is reversed. There was no compromise promised and no alteration of the tactics the Communists have adopted from the first of reserving the right of the tail to wag the dog. A film, directed by Barry Levinson, brought about a shortened version of the idiom, and added a new meaning. In the film, titled Wag the Dog , fictional political fixers orchestrate the invasion of a country in order to distract from a presidential sex scandal.
As the movie was released shortly before President Clinton was embroiled in a real-life sex scandal, the title began being used in an attributive fashion, applied to military actions. Dan Burton, R-Ind. But even if it was - and I'm not saying it was - it was the right thing to do. Since the election split the country in two, half almost automatically disagreeing with whatever Bush decides, most of his quick actions have drawn much criticism.