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Executed June 21, p. At a. Mathis pulled a handgun and shot Travis Brown in the head. After herding the others in the same room he then calmly shot 15 year old Melanie Almaguer in the head, then shot Daniel Hibbard. Next, he pointed the gun at Melanie's mother and pulled the trigger, but the gun was out of bullets. Mathis then rummaged through the house, set fire to Brown's room, threatened the others and left in Brown's car. Almaguer survived the shooting, but was permanently paralyzed from the neck down.
Brown and Hibbard died. Testimony from the others in the home identified Mathis as the shooter. Mathis persuaded his girlfriend to give him an alibi, which she maintained until confronted by police. A fellow inmate testified that Mathis showed no remorse for the shootings and stated that he wished he had killed all of them.
At trial, Mathis took the stand and at first denied being at the house. Mathis claimed he shot Brown in self-defense after Brown had threatened to shoot him. He claimed that he shot the others because he panicked. Citations: Mathis v. State ,67 S. Direct Appeal Mathis v. Dretke , Fed. Last Words: "I never meant to hurt you," Mathis said to his surviving paralyzed victim, Melanie Almaguerer.
I am not asking for your forgiveness. All I have to worry about is God forgiving me. I hope you get better. To the doctors, make sure you take care of her. The system has failed me. This is what you call a miscarriage of justice. Life is not supposed to end this way I just ask the Lord, when I knock at the gates, you just let me in.