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View a full description of this newspaper. The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software:. President A. The addition of the four extra tanks will in nowise affect the completion of the plant by the scheduled June 15 deadline. The plant will be complete with dryer, scales, all weather drive- ways and all other features found in a modern storage plant. It is a special award, given to comparatively few papers each industry being located here, and because of the high the construction cost with the members of the Planters Grain Co-op coming up with the 'Other 50 per cent.
Stanley Webb, Jr. Warren is the plant manager. Collier of Toledo,. Ohio, is meeting with a committee of local business men today for the pur- pose of discussing the possibility of establishing an industry in Odem which would carry a small permanent payroll for the com- munity. Collier is engaged in the manu- facture of oil filters suitable for use on the Kaiser-Frazier motor vehicles, and.
Heaner here to make arrangements fqr meet- ing with the committee here today. Heaner said in discussing the meeting of the manufacturer and the committee of business men here. If Collier should decide to bring his plant here he would carry a payroll of approximately 30 men, he told the Rev. Perhaps the highlight of the Camporee was the campfire pro- gram which included a mass In- dian dance by representatives from six Order of the Arrow Chapters.
Brough and R. On Sunday following Sunday School and church Mr. Jack Thornton, Mr. Stalcup, Mr. Spiekerman, and Mrs. Courtney drove over for the after- noon program. Approximately scouts and their adult leaders attended the Camporee.