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To browse Academia. Following his acclaimed history of the Situationist International up until the late sixties, The Beach Beneath the Street, McKenzie Wark returns with a companion volume which puts the late work of the Situationists in a broader and deeper context, charting their contemporary relevance and their deep critique of modernity.
Wark builds on their work to map the historical stages of the society of the spectacle, from the diffuse to the integrated to what he calls the disintegrating spectacle. The Spectacle of Disintegration takes the reader through the critique of political aesthetics of former Situationist T. At once an extraordinary counter history of radical praxis and a call to arms in the age of financial crisis and the resurgence of the streets, The Spectacle of Disintegration recalls the hidden journeys taken in the attempt to leave the twentieth century, and plots an exit from the twenty first.
From Debord's discoursive debris to scattered aphorisms uttered in contemporary art, across specific aesthetic situations created in the urban fabric and alwaysemerging contexts for social grace, this text maps out a certain number of co-resonating topics which I seized in an attempt to resonate my own practice in the field of urban art with the celebration of the 50 years of the publication of The Society of the Spectacle.
In the background of what might be considered an exercise in Comparative Aesthetics, the reader is invited to listen to a rockn'roll soundtrack in the back, disturbing what otherwise could become a strictly Academic perspective on a historical event.