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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Department of Health and Human Services. The e-mail address is: webmaster. Target Population : Individuals 65 years or older. Functional limited. Target Population : Individuals 65 years or older, noninstitutionalized. Target Population : Persons in nursing homes. Supplemented by admissions in All ages. Universe : Facilities--nursing and related care homes. Residents--institutionalized persons.
Admissions during Stratification : Post-stratified to independent estimate of age, sex, race population subgroup. With the rapid increase in the U. One of the areas of service needs with the projected greatest rate of growth is that for LTC services. More recently, because of the rapid growth of the elderly and oldest-old populations, considerable interest has emerged in home LTC options, both because of concern about the economics of institutional care and because of humanitarian concern about the level of dependency and quality of life in many LTC institutions.
Until the advent of the National Long Term Care Survey NLTCS there was no major nationally representative survey with specially designed instrumentation that dealt explicitly both with the health and functional problems of the community dwelling disabled elderly, the home LTC options both formal and informal available to meet those problems, and the ability to substitute, for a specific target population, home and institutional care.
The NLTCS filled this gap in our knowledge and provided considerable information on which both to plan the nature of required services and to develop private insurance products to pay for such services.