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To browse Academia. Karlis Karklins. This portion of the bibliography deals with the determination of the chemical properties and composition of beads of all materials from around the world, as well as their dating and sourcing. This section of the bibliography encompasses the entire continent of Africa with the exception of Egypt which is included in the Middle East.
Also included are islands off the east and west coast of Africa such as St. Helena and the Canary Islands. This section of the bibliography deals with beadmaking technology, ancient and modern, around the world.
Amir Golani. Excavations conducted during the seasons at the burial site of Sedeinga, Nubia, produced 3, beads and pendants of various materials which date to the Late Napatan and Meroitic periods, ca. The chronological, geographical, and political situation of the site made the bead assemblage exceptionally rich in organic and inorganic materials as well as the technologies used to make the objects. During a period dominated by faience and glass in bead production, the use of organics and stones indicates strong links with the neighboring Nubian deserts, an overland connection with the Red Sea coast, and, surprisingly, an interest in the resources of the Nile River.
A preliminary assessment of the beads provides more specific evidence to help date some of the Sedeinga tombs. Furthermore, due to known parallels, a few Sedeinga bead types can be associated with specific age groups. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.