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The following content contains disturbing accounts of violence and sexual violence. Reader discretion is advised. For over a year, Ramirez crept into houses in the wee morning hours and raped and tortured his randomly selected victims. His mother worked at a boot factory, where she was exposed to chemical fumes when she was pregnant with him. All his siblings had birth defects , ranging from respiratory difficulty to bone deformities.
At five he was knocked unconscious from a swing and started experiencing epileptic seizures. Do you think he was born or made into a serial killer? I believe Richard Ramirez was a sociopath as opposed to a psychopath. A psychopath is absolutely incapable of feeling any normal range of emotions, and that was the case with Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy, the killer clown.
Ramirez, on the other hand, was prone to emotional outbursts, very spontaneous and volatile. A sociopath is developed through life experiences and manufactured in society. Also, unlike Bundy or Gacy, who planned their murders meticulously, Ramirez randomly picked homes to break into. A psychopath needs control. So, yes, all these factors I believe contribute. But what seems to happen with some serial killers—and it happened with Jeffrey Dahmer, the BTK strangler and Bundy—is that right around puberty, sex and violence fuse in their minds and they become aroused by violence.
When his cousin showed him those photographs, Ramirez became sexually aroused. And it was right around the age of He made up his mind on the spot: Would he rape the woman, strangle the man or shoot the man? There are no absolutes in criminology, but sociopaths are more likely to commit what we call disorganized crimes. He mutilated and savagely beat his victims, and performed acts of sodomy on many of his female victims.