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She was born, the fifth of her parents' recorded children, into the German-speaking community which for historical reasons constituted the traditional land-owning ruling class in the region. By that time her mother, born Marie von Boehtlingk , had died. Gertrud had been just 14 at the time, and was able to continue with her education.
That was no longer the case in when her father also died. By this time, however, she was Riga was experiencing rapid shifts in its ethnic population mix, driven by rapid urbanisation and the appearance of migrants from the Russian heartlands, generating potentially disruptive and dangerous inter-ethnic tensions: Gertrud set out on her travels while her elder brothers and sisters appear to have remained in what is now known as Latvia.
She ended up in Geneva , then as now a relatively progressive city, and embarked on a course of study in art. She was unable to complete the course, however, due to the poor state of her eye-sight. She then switched to a Swiss girls' high school from where she successfully sat the exams necessary to gain admission to the university. Across central Europe, and indeed in Russia , Switzerland was regarded, as very advanced when it came to the education of women , but the idea that women might progress to university degrees was still contentious.
She also involved herself in women's rights issues. As student-president of the Geneva Student Sorority, she successfully campaigned for the right of female students to be represented on the university council, and then became the first female student to participate in that committee's deliberations.