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To browse Academia. Dr Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen. Line Grenier. John C Mullen. Full programme of the conference which took place January at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, Scotland. Includes all abstracts. Waldron Janice. In this essay, I critique and critically reflect upon two questions derived from Action Ideal VIII of the MayDay Group: " We commit to understanding the wide range of possibilities and the limitations that technology and media offer music and music learning.
I conclude with a discussion of the impact that corporate power on the Web has and continues to have on music making, and by extension, music learning, in the 21st century. Keywords: " bi-contextuality, " " long tail " musics, Web as " sociotechnical construct, " Web 2. To paraphrase William Gibson, " the future is with us now, only spread around thinly. Like the fish that can't perceive the water in which it swims, neither can we easily comprehend the importance of digital technology and communication in our daily lives.
Because of technology's all-encompassing pervasiveness, it is also T. Agam T. Owwei Chow. This year, we warmly invite local and international academicians to gather in Kuala Lumpur and dedicate their papers and audiovisual works which will be presented and discussed as research outcomes of broad topics in music and also music-related fields. Exploration into the designated sub-themes below is highly encouraged: 1.
Interpreting an organised sound in a world-system: A world-system, in the general sense, has established or been establishing cultural, social, economic, political and techno spheres. The expression from music practices in the system delivers to the spheres a defining landscape illustrated with senses, order, reasoning and ideas that reflect the kind of the world the music exists. In this context, we question how an organised sound can be linked to the world it is meant to belong to, and how the carriers of the music practice connect themselves to the world, the universe, or the cosmos.