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To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Curriculum Vitae. Christopher E Forth. Christopher E. University of Wales — Trinity Saint David. Work in progress. ISBN: hardcover , paperback. ISBN: ISBN Genders and Sexualities in History Series. Forth and Alison Leitch, eds. Pappas, ed. Paris: Seuil, , Translated into Portuguese , Polish, Chinese forthcoming.
London: Bloomsbury, , London: Berg, , Forth and Elinor Accampo, eds. Basingstoke: Palgrave, , ; Leiden: Brill, , Masculinity, Modernity, and the Body. Forth, eds. Forth and Bertrand Taithe, eds. Basingstoke: Palgrave, , Forth and Ivan Crozier, eds. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, , Forth and Ana Carden-Coyne, eds. New York: Palgrave, , Melbourne: University of Melbourne Press, , Amsterdam: Rodopi, , London: Routledge, , Stearns, ed.
McInnis, ed. Westport, CT: Praeger, , Franz Oswald and Maureen Perkins, eds. Canberra: Southern Highlands Publishers, , Barksdale Lectures, 12 : Washington and the Niagara Movement Conference. December 6, Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, Philadelphia, January , Gardiner, Bob Pease, and Keith Pringle, eds.
Westport, CT: Greenwood, , New York: Garland, Reeser and Lewis C. Seifert, eds. Borderlands e-journal, 6, no. Modernity, Male Bodies, and the Uses of History. New York, NY, September , Corpulence and the Emotions in the West.