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The Asian Chick in the Wheelchair Chapter 7. Teen "Hello Stephanie, this is Jennifer Hamada. How are you? Hey look, Mike is over at my house right now after they cameback from the university library and he's going to stay for dinnerwith us. I got up last night at 3 a. She's sleeping in his lap with one armwrapped around his leg giggle. Anyway, I'll have him call youafter we eat. Thanks for the notification. By the way Stephanie, your son has really been greatfor Jessica.
I don't think I've seen her this happy since fifthgrade. His grades are up and down, buthe has always kicked butt in math. And god, when I thinkof all the drama I went through in high school with my boyfriends!
I actually didn't much like them,but Jessica is such a sweetheart. I've seen them laying in each other's armsdoing their reading and he helps her with her math homework when sheneeds it. It's kind of sweet. Your son gives me some piece of mind andI really appreciate that. Any mother would want to hear that about her son. So I decided to put her onthe pill just to be safe. So far, it doesn't seemed to have, butit's still early yet. When I went on the pill in college, it seemed to helpreduce the frequency of them, so I pray that the same will happenwith her.
My brother was the same way. His bedroom alwaysseemed to have stuff laying on the floor and he never made his bed. I guess it's a guy thing.