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Print Nadas' pediatric cardiology. Third edition. Summary : In recent years, the field of pediatric cardiology has undergone rapid change, resulting in earlier diagnoses and improved long-term outcomes for many patients. Nadas' Pediatric Cardiology, 3rd Edition, offers an easy-to-understand, practical, and team-based approach to this complex field, addressing the current needs of pediatric cardiologists, surgeons, fellows, and other members of the pediatric cardiology team.
It thoroughly covers all diagnostic and management aspects of both acquired and congenital heart disease, providing a strong foundation and an actionable approach to care of the pediatric cardiology patient and family. Contents : Developmental anatomy, dysmorphology, and physiology Problems caused by heart disease Diagnostic techniques Allied disciplines Acquired heart disease Congenital heart disease.
Digital Access ClinicalKey []. Basic principles of disease progression, the genetic and nutritional basis of NAFLD and NASH are explained along with the proteomic principles underlying biomarker development. Chapters cover both biochemical and imaging biomarkers used in elastrography and ultrasound and discuss how these are applicable to early diagnosis and monitoring of NASH and NAFLD.