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To browse Academia. Cruz et J. Gibaja ed. Over 40 alpine axes have been catalogued in Iberia. Along with those Alpine jades, there are long axes made of local stones that can be considered as an imitation of the Alpine examples ie. Cangas Type. As for the other Iberian occurrences, a leapfrog model typical of the seafaring is proposed for the coastal distribution that was complemented with the use of major river valleys for their spread into inland areas.
La Quina « aval » Gardes-le-Pontaroux, Charente. LABURPENA Europa hegoaldean, oro har, eta Iberiar Penintsulan, bereziki, antzinako paisaien denborazkotasuna adierazita dago arroketan, leku ho-rietan bizi izan zirenek haietan marraztutako sinboloen bidez.
Baina Andaluzian, eta Antequera inguruan zehazki, bereziki ongi egin daiteke prozesu horren jarraipena, apaindutako aztarnategietako batzuetako segida grafikoetatik abiatuta. Haitzuloetako eta aire zabaleko Arte Paleo-litikoa da, Iberiar Penintsulan ordura arte dokumentatuta daudenak baina margolan garatuagoak dituena, eta lurralde bereko Paleolitiko osteko grabatutako eta margotutako lekuen garapenaren abiapuntua dena.
ABSTRACT Many examples are known, in southern Europe in general and in the Iberian Peninsula in particular, of ancient landscapes where the passing of time was marked on rocks with the symbols used by the people who transited by them. However, Andalusia and especially the area around Antequera is one of the regions in which this process can be followed most clearly, through the graphic sequences at some of the decorated sites.