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Aug Posted by silverfox Epithets: Zeus has some epitaphs that he is known by. I expect to miss a few, if not several. Here are some of his many names and epitaphs. Zeus, mighty Zeus. He is the mighty thunderer who rules from his abode on Mount Olympus.
If you believe the myths, Zeus is also highly respected? Exactly how he fathers them all is another matter, of which, his wife Hera is often not too pleased. While researching the mythology for Zeus, it can get very problematic. There are at least three different major mythos for Zeus. Two Arcadian versions of his legend and the Hellenistic Zeus that so many are familiar with. Other versions are Zeus found at the Dodona oracle. As more Greek writers and even modern retellers try to create an all-encompassing myth for all of Greece, it can often get contradictory as to which versions of the myths are correct.
Further, for all that the Greeks saw Zeus as the head of their Pantheon, he can often lose a lot of emphasis and power as too often, as the myths try to show his importance, Zeus just ends up having a cameo appearance or mention in the stories. The king who sits up on high passing out judgements. Add in too, the numerous affairs that Zeus is to have had. Depending on the era of myths, this is Greek influence spreading and trying more to have Zeus as the progenitor for many deities and demigod heroes.
If people are creating the gods in their image to reflect them, what does it say for a culture where a god gets to have his way with every female he desires and lusts after? How much is Zeus a victim of his own reputation or not, can be hard to say. In art, Zeus is often shown as a middle-aged looking male with a long beard and hair and youthful, athletic figure, sporting a toga as he wields his lightning bolts. Sometimes Zeus is shown wielding a hammer.