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Purpose: Older people, especially women, have the highest known prevalence of urinary incontinence UI of any other age-group. Continual care provision for elderly incontinent females is an incredibly arduous process, yet only very few studies have investigated the issue. Aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of mirabegron's treatment on the degree of burden experienced by caregivers of elderly female patients with UI. Patients and methods: A hundred and eighty-six caregivers of older females with mixed or urgency UI besides various conditions strokes, post-operative recovery after major surgery, etc.
Group A comprised 91 patients that did not want to receive any treatment for UI. Results: Patients receiving mirabegron presented a statistically significant improvement in UI parameters. Their caregivers showed a statistically significant decrease in the ZBS total score as well as separate domains.
Conclusion: This pilot study confirms that mirabegron administration can improve the quality of life of older females suffering from UI while substantially relieving caregiver burden. Recognizing the physical and emotional reactions of caregivers may help health providers deliver better support and resources to meet the needs of caregivers and patients alike.
Keywords: Zarit Burden Scale; aging; caregiver; incontinence; mirabegron. Abstract Purpose: Older people, especially women, have the highest known prevalence of urinary incontinence UI of any other age-group. Substances Acetanilides Thiazoles Urological Agents mirabegron.