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Membership is open to all interested in any area of Greek studies history, literature, culture, tradition, economy, gender studies, sexualities, linguistics, cinema, Diaspora etc.
The periodical welcomes papers in both English and Greek on all aspects of Modern Greek Studies broadly defined. Prospective contributors should preferably submit their papers on disk and hard copy. All published contributions by academics are refereed standard process of blind peer assessment. This is a DEST recognised publication. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.
Science is a key explanatory authority for technological modernity, but since the mid-twentieth century new religious forms and supernaturally-tinged popular culture close relatives of religion, but liberated from the traditional and institutional aspects of that phenomenon have been resurgent. The so-called World Religions the biblical creeds of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the sub-continental dharmic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism have resisted the notion that they share a common inheritance with secularism.
It is here argued that these ongoing disclaimers are examples of professional boundary maintenance that reveals much about the embattled position of traditional religious institutions within secular modernity, in which popular culture and communications media have radically transformed the climate in which religious affiliation and spiritual identities are negotiated. This article uses Goldenberg s model as a lens through which to examine the contemporary Australian political and religious landscape.