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Valek was Commander Ambrose 's assassin and in charge of Ixia 's spy-network. He is now retired, married to Yelena Zaltana with whom he has five children. A highly skilled assassin and the chief of a highly secret network of spies throughout Ixia and the Southern Sitia , Valek is in charge of Ixia's security and keeping Commander Ambrose out of harm's way. He is famous throughout Ixia and Sitia for the feat of killing the old kingdom's magician King, due to his singular advantage of being immune to magic.
Valek is highly intelligent, often discovering plots and various conspiracies before they are even realized. Valek serves as Yelena's mentor through her training as a food taster, helping her through her trials and occasionally protecting her from Brazell 's soldier thugs that seek revenge on her murder of Reyad. He also invents the false " Butterfly's Dust " poison that Yelena believes will kill her in a day's time if she is not given an antidote.
Valek has the same feelings towards Yelena that she has towards him. A harsh winter collapsed the building that housed his father's leather business, when Valek was thirteen years old. The soldiers who collected taxes wouldn't listen to his father's pleas. When his father pleaded, they killed Valek's three older brothers, so his father wouldn't have the three extra mouths to feed.
The event inspired Valek to train as an assassin to kill the King because the soldiers were just "messengers". He earned money and the royals paid him to kill each other. Eventually they hired him to kill a man named Ambrose for his rebellious speeches. Ambushing him, Valek was soon fighting for his own life. From then on Ambrose was his commander and Valek agreed to serve him if it got him close enough to kill the King. During the takeover, Valek killed the King of Ixia and all of the Royal Family and Magicians using his favorite knife.