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Chirita, Anca D. Langley, P. Mertzios, G. Naya, Carlos and Sutcliffe, Paul 'Skyrmions and clustering in light nuclei. Naya, Carlos and Sutcliffe, Paul 'Skyrmions in models with pions and rho mesons. Parker, John R. Aassouli, D. Abbott, Richard J. Abdalla, A. Abdelhamid, Asmaa S. Abel, Steven and Dienes, Keith R. Acerbi, A. Testing content versus context in the cultural selection of quotations. Adami, C. Adams, A. Adams, C. Adams, R. Addison, J. Afshar, Z. Agnello, A.
Agnese, R. Agnoli, L. Agostini, Federica and Curchod, Basile F. Aguilar, Juan A. Ahiabor, Frederick S. Ahmad, T. Ahmed, H. Ahrens, T. Ai, Weilong and Augarde, Charles 'An adaptive cracking particle method providing explicit and accurate description of 3D crack surfaces. Ai, Weilong and Augarde, Charles E. Akcay, S. Akhter, N. Al-Sadoon, M. Alageli, M. Alba-Ferrara, L. Aldegunde, Jesus and Hutson, Jeremy M. Alderson-Day, B. Alexander, C. Allan, A. A call for consistency in studies of primate vigilance.
Allen, Franklin and Gu, Xian 'The interplay between regulations and financial stability. Allen, J. Allen, Susan J. Jane and Chazot, Paul L. Allen, Tom 'Constitutional rights in the Irish home rule bill of AlManei, Mohammed and Salonitis, Konstantinos and Tsinopoulos, Christos 'A conceptual lean implementation framework based on change management theory. Alonso-Herrero, A.