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To browse Academia. Heredia Jose luis. Joseph G. Gunes Duru. People no longer constructed circular, semi-subterranean residential buildings and instead started to build above ground rectangular buildings. This study advances discussion in three ways: 1 it provides a fine grained understanding of the diachronic shift in social and economic practices, 2 through broad horizontal excavation, this research provides new insights into the built environment, including the opportunity to understand the synchronic organization of residential and non-residential spaces, and 3 this study puts forth a detailed understanding of the evolutionary shift from circular-oval to rectangular architectural practices within a single residential setting.
Magali Zavala. Karuna Mantena. Yat Lau. Mario Rechy Montiel. Ello fue decisivo para enfrentar la cara dura y frialdad de la candidata del oficialismo. Paul Maiteny. This article observes that the human species has warned itself for millennia that we would eventually generate the current ecosystemic holocaust from consuming and assimilating planet Earth to ourselves. It explains the contradictory engine of this as rooted in an instinctive orientation towards growth and self-interest, in pursuit of well-being, satisfaction and meaningful life.
The article explains the psycho-cultural reasons why, in the human species, this natural orientation ends up inverting ecological necessities, with catastrophic consequences. We have continued on this route, unwilling to hear ancestral warnings, in spite of our ability to do otherwise — to know that we are participants in a bigger contextual ecosystem on which we depend, to live meaningful lives by discerning our roles within this context, and behaving accordingly.
So doing, we continue to destroy the bigger Body of which we are members, and on which we inescapably depend. The spiritual-religious wisdom traditions explain the causes and consequences of these two basic orientations to life — consumptive and contextualizing. It was also abused and distorted for idolatrous purposes. The article ends with contemporary examples of the two orientations, and a challenge to the reader. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.