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It was all part of a coordinated plan by the U. The growing metropolis needed more workers after World War II, while farms across the Northeast and Midwest needed labor. The solution to both problems? Actively facilitate migration—and compel one-third of the population to head north. Puerto Rico became a U. Instead, they began almost exclusively growing the cash crop of sugar cane for export to the U. Islanders not only lost local food sources.
Families plunged into even more grueling poverty. For a time, it was a rousing success. As the agrarian-based economy changed to a modern, industrial one, Puerto Rico's overall standard of living rose.
American companies, enticed by generous tax incentives and a new pool of cheap labor, opened hundreds of factories on the island, producing everything from textiles and apparel to petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals.
The Pittsburgh Pirates' star—the first Latino Hall of Famer in baseball—was a hero for his charity work and social activism prior to his death in a plane crash.