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To browse Academia. Of the parasitic diseases, Coccidiosis is the commonest and most important disease of poultry resulting in great economic losses worldwide.
It is caused by the intracellular protozoa parasite of Eimeria species in the genus Eimeria. About nine species of Eimeria have been recognized in domesticated chickens, of which Eimeria brunette, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria tenella are the most pathogenic; Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria mivati are the less pathogenic and Eimeria praecox and Eimeria hagani are the lesser pathogenic.
The disease is endemic in most of the tropical and subtropical regions where ecological and management conditions favour an all-year round development and propagation of the causal agent. Clinical signs are associated with tissue destruction from the release of the merozoites and mature oocysts from the mucosal surface during the last generations of merogony and throughout gametogony. Diagnosis of coccidiosis in chicken is best accomplished by postmortem examination of representative number of birds.
The type and locations of lesions in the gut indicates the species of Eimeria. Prevention of avian coccidiosis is based on a combination of good management and the use of anticoccidial compounds in the feed or water. Coccidiosis is recognized as the parasitic disease that has the greatest economic impact on poultry production. It is also endemic in Ethiopia, causing great economic losses particularly in young birds, in all production systems. Key words: coccidiosis, chickens, Eimeria, prevention, Diagnosis.