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At this time, many psychiatrists, marriage counselors and gynecologists worried that women were failing to perform in the bedroom. As Dr. William Kroger and Dr. Many women not only experience no pleasure, but actually suffer pain and revulsion [during coitus]. This fact assumes added significance from a sociological and religious aspect because of increasing extramarital promiscuity and the present high divorce rate. Several medical experts, such as Dr. Wilfred C. Hulse wrote in a JAMA article:.
It is generally known among psychotherapists that many so-called frigid women experience orgasm, or at least highly pleasurable, near orgiastic sensations when masturbating or during dreams and even from extragenital sexual contacts … but these same women remain completely cold and unresponsive during coitus.
Also, some women may be frigid with one man usually the husband but capable of having orgasm with another man. While some authors like Dr. Frank S. Caprio suggested that husbands played a significant role in bringing their wives to orgasm—he argued that domestic abuse or mistreatment may be a factor in the problem of frigidity, for instance—most authors seemed to place the burden of vaginal orgasm on the wife.
As Joan Malleson, a clinical assistant in the University College Hospital obstetrics department, explained in If the physician cannot, for practical reasons, recommend psychotherapy, he should do his best to explain that the handicap is intrinsic, is not dependent on the husband, and that the woman would almost certainly carry it with her even if she sought to change her sexual partner.