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The Chron has a long and thorough story on the financial woes of Supreme Court Justice David Medina, who may or may not face arson-related charges from the Harris County DA's office some day. On the first item: Long before his home burned, Medina had used it as a source of ready cash. Assisted by a mortgage company whose name became synonymous with the excesses of the subprime lending frenzy, he took advantage of a rising market to draw every dollar of available equity from his house, even though the result was increasing monthly payments that may have played a role in a attempt to foreclose on the property.
Over a five-year period, Medina and his wife, Francisca, took out three high-interest, adjustable rate home equity loans amounting to most, if not all, of the entire official appraised value of the property. The loans were made through Ameriquest Mortgage Company, a controversial lender, now defunct, that was the target of lawsuits and attorney general probes alleging unscrupulous or predatory lending practices.
He began to fall behind on payments in early The company that serviced the loan, WM Specialty Mortgage, did not receive a payment after February, according to the foreclosure lawsuit it filed in July of that year. He brought the home out of foreclosure in December Twenty-five hundred bucks a month is a pretty hefty house payment, especially for something that was not that extravagantly priced when it was purchased back in I can tell you that that's considerably bigger a share of gross salary than my house payment is of mine, and we're a two-earner household.
So the question this raises for me is what in the world did they need all those home equity loans for? Nobody borrows themselves into that kind of hole without some need for the extra cash. What were they doing with all that borrowed money?