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Post a Comment. Tuesday, July 2, love in an elevator. Flame an orange twist over the top. Two Thursdays ago, we ventured down to Local in Southie for dinner. For cocktail ideas, bartender John Mayer declared that he had two drinks in mind. The first was Love in an Elevator and the second was a companion piece called Death in a Doublewide.
Love in an Elevator was created by Matt Whitney, and it sounded like the brown, bitter, and stirred drink that I had been craving. The orange oils over the drink brightened the caramel aroma of the aged rum. Grape flavors from the oloroso sherry more so than from the Punt e Mes filled the sip, and the swallow showcased the rich rum along with nutty, spice, and bitter notes. As the drink warmed up, it gained additional minty-herbal notes on the swallow from the Benedictine.
Email This BlogThis! No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. The euphemisms are getting a bit stale, suffice to say: four people in Boston -- two of whom are much more prolific writers than the other two including the originator of this blog, who has no excuse apart from laziness -- who drink and tell.
The collection of drink recipes, bartender tributes, and essays on hospitality from CocktailVirgin's Frederic Yarm. Available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. The collection of drink recipes, techniques, and Boston bar recommendations from Frederic Yarm. Available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Follow Fred on Instagram. Comments Atom.