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To browse Academia. Spodoptera frugiperda J. In this work, DNA extractions were made from each larva head and 45 samples were amplified with three combinations of AFLP primers that produced loci. The UPGMA dendrogram obtained also showed that there is no a genetic differentiation of the genotyped individuals based on the geographical location or the crop sampled. Our results coincide with a previous report obtained with the same species of Colombia based on a sequence of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I COI.
John Foster. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the genetic similarity and structure of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda J. Smith , populations associated with maize and cotton crops in Brazil using amplified fragment length polymorphisms. Mean genetic similarity among populations was 0.
The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean analysis dendrograms did not separate populations of S. No genetic variation was observed among maize and cotton populations of S. This research validates the need for stewardship of crop-protection methods for managing S. Clara Ines Saldamando Benjumea.
Samuel Martinelli. Spodoptera frugiperda is an important pest throughout the Western Hemisphere, particularly in corn, cotton, rice, and sorghum, among other crops. This insect has evolved two strains named the corn and the rice strains, as they have been their most frequently used hosts.