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See other girls from Guatemala: Older women in San Luis, Older women in Coban, Older women in Livingston
This is a demography of the population of Guatemala including population density , ethnicity , education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population. According to the census, These people are called Ladino in Guatemala. The population is divided almost evenly between rural and urban areas. According to the revision of the World Population Prospects [ 8 ] [ 9 ] the total population estimate was 17,, in The proportion of the population below the age of 15 in was Guatemala City is home to almost 3 million inhabitants.
Even though Guatemala's population grew by a factor of 14, it still wasn't the biggest jump in that region. In Guatemala, there are 22 departments that make up the country. Each department has its own population, with Guatemala Department ranking at 1 with the highest population and El Progreso Department ranking at 22 with the lowest population.
Overall, the rankings correlate to the percent of the population that each department contains. The Guatemalan civil war from to led to mass emigration , particularly Guatemalan immigration to the United States. According to the International Organization for Migration , the total number of emigrants increased from 6, in the s to , for the period —; by , the total number had reached 1.
Ethnicity in Guatemala [ 2 ]. Genetic testing indicates that Guatemalan Mestizos are of predominantly indigenous ancestry, although they have a high level of European ancestry as well. Approximately In these are divided as follows: K'iche 9.