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Haiti has the lowest rates of access to improved water and sanitation infrastructure in the western hemisphere. The country is home to the highest incidence of childhood diarrhea in the world and poor sanitation access has resulted in a devastating public health crisis.
SOIL's lifesaving sanitation service is tackling one of the world's toughest challenges with a new technology called container-based sanitation CBS.
CBS is a system where toilets collect human waste in sealable, removable containers that are transported to treatment facilities when full. Interventions simply do not work unless they are community driven, designed and supported at all stages of development and implementation.
SOIL has conducted peer reviewed research which indicates that people are willing to pay for the service for reasons of security, dignity and comfort. SOIL uses emotional appeals and social influence levers in marketing to help promote the use of safely managed sanitation. Messaging includes invoking pride in switching to a sanitation option which is dignified and safe for the environment when compared to pit latrines which pollute critical water resources, and sense of security, particularly for women that have to use unsafe public sanitation.