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Peacekeeping missions have been marred by reports of sexual exploitation and abuse SEA against local community members. Survivor-centered programs, sensitive to the needs of both male and female survivors, are required. However, little research has been conducted on how local host communities perceive SEA against each of the sexes and what implications those perceptions might have for the response to peacekeeper-perpetrated SEA. We begin with an overview of the literature about gender norms in Haiti, sexual violence and peacekeeper-perpetrated SEA, as well as community perceptions of SEA, before outlining our methods.
The article closes with a discussion around the implications of the results and a number of recommendations. In the tradition of Bevequa analysis of the feminist struggles and in particular the nuanced analysis of the place of rape as part of a wider feminist political agenda Bevacqua, , the work moves on from the notion that rape has an ontological reality Hulsman, and from the assumption that sexual crimes have an a priori existence that can be understood independently of the socially or economically specific context within which they occur.
In rural regions the disparity is even more pronounced, with women almost three times more likely to be without formal employment than men, and most working in subsistence farming. Although the proportion of Haitian women engaged in paid labor is lower, their economic activities are key contributors to the purchasing power of their households Rames et al. Such a highly gendered division of household and formal labor incentivizes many Haitian females to partner with men who are employed and skilled Kolbe, Sexual relationships in Haiti tend to be heteronormative and patriarchal.
Polygamy is common among Haitian men who often maintain concurrent partners, with common-law relationships being more prevalent than religious unions and legal marriages Clark, Patriarchy normalizes sexual violence within relationships, with consent for sexual relations often implied in dating contexts Faedi, ; Kolbe, In settings of extreme poverty, families sometimes encourage dating and transactional sex as a means of alleviating financial strain Kolbe, Haitian women and girls are often financially dependent on men, and in many respects sexual norms compound gendered economic norms, commodifying sexual activity in much of Haitian society Kolbe, Approximately one in eight Haitian women aged 15 to 49 have had a lifetime experience of sexual violence l'Enfance and Program, A majority of female survivors who present for care post-assault report significant physical and psychological trauma, including the lack of an emotional response to the trauma, fear, and flashbacks Deschamps et al.