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Luke Bray. Who was Marie Laveau? The answer to this question is complex and many historians have sought to answer it. She commanded the obedience of high society and law enforcement, leading thousands of people to worship pagan deities through Voodoo cultic worship. Others assert that she was a spiritual woman who was mixed in her devotion to both Voodoo and the religion of her youth, Roman Catholicism.
This paper will analyze the significant connections between Laveaui's practice of Roman Catholicism and Voodoo. Samantha Pinto. Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert. Emily Zobel Marshall. Josune Urbistondo. Richard Ott. The rise of the walking dead has been traced from African community ontologies to modern fictional representations in the popular media of the twenty-first century Heady ; Luckhurst ; Vervaeke, et al.
The deep time, colonial underpinnings and cultural positioning of this figure makes the zombie a relevant disruption for anthropological research. With this critical analysis my aim is to forefront the Haitian origins of this important aspect of community, ontology and law. Therefore, the overall goal of this research is to bring to the surface the social and political violence that is regenerated through popular media and as an alternative this study argues that the zombie at its roots is a form of resistance to the immense suffering and violence in Haiti Mbembe ; Farmer Mona Lisa Saloy.