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The scandal arose from allegations by Norman Josiffe otherwise known as Norman Scott that he and Thorpe had a homosexual relationship in the early s, and that Thorpe had begun a badly planned conspiracy to murder Josiffe, who was threatening to expose their affair.
Thorpe, while admitting that the two had been friends, denied any such relationship. With the help of political colleagues and a compliant press, he was able to ensure that rumours of misconduct went unreported for more than a decade. Scott's allegations were a persistent threat, however, and by the mids he was regarded as a danger both to Thorpe and to the Liberal Party, which was then enjoying a resurgence of popularity and was close to a place in government.
Attempts to buy or frighten Scott into silence were unsuccessful, and the problem deepened, until the fallout following the shooting of his dog during a possible murder attempt by a hired gunman in October brought the matter into the open. After further newspaper revelations, Thorpe was forced to resign the Liberal leadership in May , and subsequent police investigations led to him being charged, along with three others, with conspiracy to murder Scott.
Before the case came to trial, Thorpe lost his parliamentary seat at the general election. At the trial in May , the prosecution's case depended heavily on the evidence of Scott, Thorpe's former parliamentary colleague Peter Bessell , and the hired gunman, Andrew Newton.