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Latest: Holmfirth gig reviews. This is the first five years of this page. See the latest PBRs and add new ones here. You know those moments when something happens and it immediately brings to mind a Half Man Half Biscuit lyric? Over to you! I was walking back from the pub a while back, with a mate of mine, a fellow Scouse HMHB fan, in the small Berkshire village where I live.
I decided to test how many things would occur in the next 24 hours to which I could make refernce to HMHB. Or something. Well, here goes then! I guessed at least several, Mrs.
Then there were the much earlier spirituals, not really referred to in the narrative but just played in snatches in the background — after about And just to add a twist to the tale, Aintree tells us, Gordon Burns he of local news in the northwest, Krypton factor, etc was guesting on said programme, when it was pointed out to him that he featured in the lyrics.
Track played, and Burns seemingly presented with a copy of Achtung Bono as a memento. Available on the iPlayer thingy, Aintree tells us, until this coming Wednesday 28 Jan — Fast forward until about 1 hr 20 mins for the relevant bit. Like this. Not sure where this belongs, but last nights Coronation Street the second episode I think had a darts match I think there was a special celebrity darts player; one looked familar but I am not a darts expert.