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Remaining television stations that have not already made the switch to digital signals are scheduled to cut their analog signals on Friday June The Lakers take a lead in the series. The restaurant was packed to the limit for the press and invited guests to meet the king of Reggaeton Daddy Yankee. Ayala was born in Rio Piedras, the largest district of San Juan, where he became interested in music at a young age.
In his youth he was interested in baseball, and aspired to become a Major League Baseball player and was going to the Major Leagues after trying out for Seattle. He was unable to continue this sport when he was shot in one of his legs, leaving him unable to walk correctly. He then became involved in the underground rap movement that was in its early stages in Puerto Rico, later to be called Reggaeton. After receiving lessons from several artists within the genre, he developed an independent career, first recording in a production titledPlayero After this he began to produce independent albums.
His first solo album was No Mercy. This led him to be one of the pioneers of the Reggaeton genre. The current recession retains a strong grasp on the extremely volatile airline industry reiterating that this news could not have come at a better time. Both New York and Atlanta are important gateways for Aruba with strong consistent feeder cities. From December 20, to January 3, and February 14, to April 11, air service will be daily with a B aircraft and seats.
During the period of January 4, to February 13, there will be Saturday service only with a B aircraft and seats. B service on Saturdays will be throughout the winter season.