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Publications of. We come on the ship they call The Mayflower,. What has happened cannot be changed, but today we must work towards a more humane America, a more Indian America, where men and nature once again are important; where the Indian values of honor, truth, and brotherhood prevail. You the white man are celebrating an anniversary.
We the Wampanoags will help you celebrate in the concept of a beginning. It was the beginning of a new life for the Pilgrims. Now, years later it is a beginning of a new determination for the original American: the American Indian.
And as you are a body together, so hang not together by skins and gimmicks, but labour to be jointed together and knit by flesh and sinews; away with envy at the good of others, and rejoice in his good, and sorrow for his evil, let his joy be thy joy, and his sorrow thy sorrow: let his sickness be thy sickness: his hunger thy hunger: his poverty thy poverty: And if you profess friendship, be friends in adversities: for then a friend is known, and tried, and not before. Toggle navigation Contents.
Friary, President Robert J. Allison, Vice President Daniel R. Coquillette, Vice President Susan L. Morris, Secretary Thomas R. Appleton, Treasurer committee on publications Kenneth P.