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I mean, she's speaking to you , isn't she? I'll have the veal piccata. A character has suffered an amusing injury , usually of the blunt force to the head variety. Dazed, he will say something really random and Non Sequitur , normally either before going out like a light or after being awakened.
It seems that with proper application of blunt trauma, the human skull becomes a radio receiver tuned to a random station somewhere in the world.
Three common phrases used are " How many fingers am I holding up? The character may also mistake someone closest for someone else during such. A subtrope of Non Sequitur and Parting-from-Consciousness Words , which also includes the cases where the parting words actually make sense.
Overlaps with Intoxication Ensues when caused by drugs or alcohol. May result in Delirious Misidentification. See also Concussions Get You High. In less serious works, tends to come hand-in-hand with Circling Birdies. The corresponding situation where a character says something random while regaining consciousness, is Waking Non Sequitur. If a character says something random while unconscious, that's Talking in Your Sleep. Spoonerism is a common varia— BONK!