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MeGiegor and P. Pau ,.. Joint Freight Tarriff. The following are the special Rates between New Orleans and the place mentioned :. All Freight must be shipped by Railroad Line of Steamers, and receipted through at New Orleans, in order to come under these rates. Whe Tariff and Revenue Question. The Committee of Ways and Means are still completely snarled up as to what should be done on the above questions.
Money the Government must have; money can be got in full abundance. But, how a revenue can be raised soas not to benefit the free, industry of the country, appears to he the rub. Money can be borrowed ; Treasury Notes may be issued; or what secms to be the bug-bear to be shunned if possible, the Tariff may be so modified as to afford a revenue? Protect American Labo:! Whe Coneert Friday Evening. The Concert last evening at Davis Hall, given by the Choir of the Grace Church and others, for the object stated, was well attended.
The singing, in many of its parts, was very fine, and must have given complete satisfaction. Services to commence at 7 o? The Type from this Foundry is being made of the new?
Lyman, pronounced by good judges to be the hardestand most durable metal made. Specimens will be sent to printers to test onapplication. Constantly on hand a good supply of : veagiaah : ois NecCreary? PASH undersigned having purchased the interest of Il.