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She tells us about what she's learned during her career to date. But it became apparent to me that it was a really unique opportunity.
My skills and experience were complementary to what others here had to offer. And I liked everyone I met and knew we could work well together. It all came together at the right time. Seek out work and experiences outside your comfort zone Law is actually my third career, so I was older than most of my peers at law school and as an associate.
I think the perspective of having worked in different fields helped me to be open to doing all sorts of work. By saying yes to everything—including Chapter 11 cases and restructurings that were outside my day-to-day work—helped me build my skills and also my professional network. You can't just keep your head down and expect to be noticed Coming from a traditional Chinese background, business development didn't come naturally to me.
My instinct would have been to keep my head down, build my technical skills and hope that things would fall into place. But you need to be more deliberate, more aware of the steps required to build your network and bring in business.