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If at any time you have an address, phone, work, fax, or email change, please let us know. We want to make sure we have all your updated account information! Tickets are available for IronBirds games in advance by calling us at or visiting www. Season Tickets and Group Tickets are available throughout the season and off-season; individual tickets for specific games go on sale approximately one month prior to Opening Day, and can be purchased online or over the phone.
Upon request, each customer may be asked to present valid identification at the time of purchase. The Aberdeen IronBirds reserve the right to refuse service to any fan. Please drink responsibly. If you find yourself in need of transportation service, please go to the Fan Assistance booth so that alternate transportation can be arranged. Alcohol sales will cease with the first pitch of the top of the eighth 8th inning. Guests may seek autographs from players and coaches from the time the gates open until 15 minutes prior to game time.
The autograph areas are located on the outer sides of both the home and visiting dugouts. Guests will not be allowed to seek autographs at the dugout corners closest to home plate. Please be courteous and respectful to the players and coaches as well as guests possessing tickets in autograph areas. If you are seeking autographs in a seating section other than your own, you may be asked to proceed to your designated seating section.
Service Animals are permitted to enter Leidos Field at Ripken Stadium with their human companions and should remain on a leash during their time in the park.