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Menu All All. Sign In. List activity. James Dean. Actor Additional Crew East of Eden Dean, a farmer turned dental technician. His mother died when Dean was nine, and he was subsequently raised on a farm by his aunt and uncle in Fairmount, Indiana. After grade school, he moved to New York to pursue his dream of acting. He received rave reviews for his work as the blackmailing Arab boy in the New York production of Gide 's "The Immoralist", good enough to earn him a trip to Hollywood.
He had major roles in only three movies. In the Elia Kazan production of John Steinbeck 's East of Eden he played Cal Trask, the bad brother who could not force affection from his stiff-necked father. His true starring role, the one which fixed his image forever in American culture, was that of the brooding red-jacketed teenager Jim Stark in Nicholas Ray 's Rebel Without a Cause George Stevens ' filming of Edna Ferber 's Giant , in which he played the non-conforming cowhand Jett Rink who strikes it rich when he discovers oil, was just coming to a close when Dean, driving his Porsche Spyder race car, collided with another car while on the road near Cholame, California on September 30, He had received a speeding ticket just two hours before.
At age 24, James Dean was killed almost immediately from the impact from a broken neck. His very brief career, violent death and highly publicized funeral transformed him into a cult object of apparently timeless fascination. He was killed in a tragic car accident at age Jimi Hendrix. When his mother became sick from alcoholism, Hendrix was sent to live with relatives in Berkeley, California.
When his father returned from Europe in he took back Hendrix, divorced his wife, and renamed him James Marshall Hendrix. When Jimi was 13 his father taught him to play an acoustic guitar. In Jimi dropped out of high school and enlisted in the U. Army, but soon became disenchanted with military service. After he broke his ankle during a training parachute jump, he was honorably discharged. He then went to work as a sideman on the rhythm-and-blues circuit, honing his craft but making little or no money.