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I covered the race for Runners World and got to meet an incredible variety of inspiring runners, from the elite to the everyday, that came to the Lehigh University campus to participate in the event. They are probably not unlike the nameless, numbered people that line up next to you in any race you will run this summer or fall. Keep this in mind as you wait in the crowd behind your next starting line with awkward anticipation, just wanting everyone to get out of your way: every runner has a story.
Heather ran the race, not for glory or ego but to simply recapture a little piece of herself that got put on the shelf during adolescence. Long held dreams that are about to come true have a way of doing that.
And she was. I was about to be crushed. I was there to compete. To see what it was like to toe the line with the best of my generation. I did my preparation as best I could in my busy life and reasoned once I got to that starting line, Que Sera Sera.
What will be will be. The stakes for them were much higher, and the work they put into their race was well beyond my modest training. In the movie, the underdog of underdogs, the chubby but charismatic Danny Diaz wins over the hearts of the audience with his persistence in the face of his physical challenges. For me that day, I was even Dannier than Danny Diaz. Not only was I carrying extra weight, but also extra years, and extra doubts. I was pretty sure I was going to finish much closer to the final finisher than the first— and as the field pulled away from me at the start, my doubts became reality.