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Shae was a prostitute and Tyrion Lannister 's mistress. She was also Sansa Stark 's former handmaiden during her time in King's Landing. Shae is a young woman of mystery, as she won't divulge her true origins. She has a Lorathi accent and is obviously not native to Westeros : she says she arrived there ten years ago. She is first encountered as a camp-follower with the Lannister army in the Riverlands. She has dreams of wealth and power, despite her low social status as a kept woman.
At unspecified points in the past, Shae has been to Dorne and Volantis , [5] and supposedly worked as a handmaiden for a Lady Zuriff. Shae is a camp-follower whom Bronn , a sellsword in the service of Tyrion, finds as Tyrion requests. She is attached to a ginger-haired Knight, but Bronn "persuades" him to give her up to Tyrion, who is fighting with the army of Lannister in the Riverlands.
He is charmed by her immediately. He tells her he wants the truth, but also that he wants her to act as if she wants him and that it's their last night on earth together. Tyrion later plays a drinking game with her and Bronn in an attempt to learn more about Shae's past, but she refuses to reveal specifics.
Tyrion tells her that he thinks her mother was a whore and her father deserted them, she says emphatically that he is wrong, and she doesn't want to speak of them. He seems more on the mark when he talks of her ambitions until he gets to the part of saying she was low born, she indicates he is wrong, thus she was not low-born. Shae deflects Tyrion's questions and learns about his past instead, particularly the incident involving his marriage to Tysha.