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We use cookies to improve our online services. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies Learn More. I accept. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies. Hungarian women have it tough. Hungary also has one of the lowest EU Gender Equality Index scores and was partly responsible for the recent Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence not recognising non-consensual sex as rape.
This is even more worrying as Hungary is scheduled to chair the next rotating Council presidency. Gender equality and minority rights are not EU competencies, they are matters of culture. While it is necessary for there to be room in the EU for a gradient of opinions, issues of gender and sexuality are treated as second-class policy priorities at EU level — even though the EU touts its values of freedom, equality and protection of human rights.
It would also not further progress in gender equality. Instead, the upcoming election season and the formation of a new Commission and Parliament should be taken as an opportunity to discuss inclusive values on a public and international level. In the absence of a top-down approach, gender policies present a chance to test deliberative democracy, to have dialogue where participants must go beyond stating their opinions or reciting soundbites.
Concretely, independent organisations with policy expertise could organise a series of open deliberative sessions on gender-related policy in the EU Member States. Civil society, MEPs, activists and experts could be invited to these sessions, taking care that a multitude of opinions and multiple pockets of society are represented when discussing key topics, such as the overall aims and impact of the Istanbul Treaty.