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In Hungary, employment agency services may be provided by bodies of the State employment service administrative bodies of the Budapest and county government district offices performing employment and labour market-related functions and by authorised private employment agencies.
Jobseekers may not be charged for these services. Legal persons, companies without legal personality and sole traders with a registered office in Hungary may engage in private employment agency activities provided they are registered with the employment office with competence over the locality of their registered office. As of 31 December , there were registered recruitment agencies by combined number of headquarters and establishments , more than half of which were located in the Central Hungary region.
Anybody — not only registered jobseekers — may turn to local government district office employment services or private employment agencies for help. Employers can post their job offers on the VMP website. In addition to state and private employment agency services, a number of job portals, recruitment events, advertising brochures, social media sites LinkedIn, Facebook and network capital may come in handy for jobseeking. Curricula vitae CVs must be prepared in Hungarian and, depending on the post, also in English.
This broadly corresponds to standards applied to CVs in other European countries, and should generally be prepared electronically, printed or, where the advertisement specifically requires it, manually. Applicants must always attach copies of documents proving that they have the qualifications necessary for the job, as well as copies of language proficiency examination certificates to their application.