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The legends of the Mongol invasion and Turkish occupation consist usually of one element and for this reason alone exhibit a close relationship with one of the large groups of historical legends, the local legends helyi monda. Numerous versions of these are known. The most frequent are legends explaining the foundation of a place, legends of treasure, legends about the mountains, hills, waters, legends about someone turning into a stone, etc.
Most of them coincide in many respects with the historical legends, and furthermore the types mentioned are frequently attached to a person or historical figure. According to one such a legend, a man was obliged either to pay a piece of gold to the landlord or to hoe for him for three days in his vineyard. King Matthias, as he passed through that place, also tackled the hoeing in company with a peasant mate.
Unseen by him, the king threw a gold piece in front of his mate, but the latter would not leave until the king also threw a piece in front of himself. The Hungarians have rich traditions regarding King Matthias, the Renaissance ruler of the 15th century. According to the legends he himself came from a peasant background, and he brings to heel great lords, oppressing nobles, in some cases the village magistrates the representatives of the wealthier peasantry , in order to improve the lot of the poor peasants.
Some of the legends about King Matthias were later transferred to Lajos Kossuth or even to other heroes whom the people felt to be their own. The figure of King Matthias plays a role not only in traditions of Hungarian folk poetry but also in those of the Ukrainians, Croats, Slovenes, Czechs, and Slovaks. He often appears in folksongs also cf. Forms of costume, hats, even beards were designated with his name, which also appeared frequently in idioms and proverbs.