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Some links are affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through these links, I earn a commission, at no extra cost to you. Click here for more info. But slowly, this blog gets more and more readers yesss! It takes courage to travel alone in Eastern Europe. Is it safe? Are they racists towards black people? Hmmm… I understand the fear of racism. Their government is run by their far-right party, and they have an anti-immigration policy. Their suporters are all hooligans. Sensationnalism draws attention and of course, it sells!
I left Paris and I started my long term trip in Eastern Europe exactly because it was an area I already knew. Therefore I started knowing where I was going. Therefore inevitably, when you walk around in the streets, most people will stare at you. Especially little kids! People will point at you, friendly wave at you, some of them will smile at you. It was a lot different years ago. And also good dancers, sporty and of course womanizers huh?
Go to the dancefloor! You know how to dance! This hip hop thing, I think the Hungarian girl is right. And what about a black girl traveling solo? I met three black solo female travellers. One in Moldova , she was from the US. She had absolutely no problems. Some local guys she met made lewd comments, she was being fetishized. Same for the two other ones. I met the first one in Bratislava, and the other one in Bucharest.
They also both met some smooth-talkers trying to flirt, but they were safe. Sign up for exclusive updates in your e-mail address! I was shocked into reading this post. The activist on me was ready to come out in full force upon seeing your title. I loved reading your post and it made me want to experience these places for myself. I hope one day, I will be able to. Fantastic read! Hello Roobens, I am glad you feel safe traveling to Eastern Europe!