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Stillonthe topicofvisitorsfromHollyweird,BudapestFilm hasbeenhostingaseriesofseminarswithbad boyssuchasOliverStoneandHunmerican screenwriterJoeEszterhaz. Asidefrom the fact that open bottles of scotch inthekitchenare the basis of Celtic cuisine, andagoodtime had by all , you might think thatcustomswould have better things to do.
In any case, thanks to last minute lobbying and some media coverage, theCaledonian remains open, for now. But get yourneeps and single malt down you while youcan. The members clubBrody House features prominently. Man about town, polo player andBrody House founderPeter Grundbergis not only an expectant parent, withhisinamorato the lovely actressKatia Bokor, but the two have announced their engagement.
Will pending parenthood and nuptials cramp his considerable style? Somehow we doubt it. Bon vivants, celebrities and emissaries fromtinseltown may come and go, but the capital remains a great place for those partial toadrink or four. It seems banks and property owners would rather there was someone just paying the upkeep and for the time being they forget about any meaningful yield. Who else will take what were drab and foreboding streets and bring them back to life with young souls full of energy and activity.
Well, beneath the veneer of tough, worldly cynicism, Mitzicares darlings, shereally does. Thishasbeenrunning since, whentwoenterprising realestateand creative entrepreneurs,William ClothierandPeterGrundberg,decided thatwhatthis city needed was a meetingplaceforcreative and successful individualsfrom both home and abroad. Thatidea has now grown into averitablephenomenon here in Budapest:one that straddles everythingfrompolo matches to book launches;from big, hedonistic parties toprivateartshowings.