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To browse Academia. Ashok Chapagain. Nizamuddin Baquai. Anna Oursler. The Ecological Footprint Atlas builds on previous versions of the Atlas from and The designations employed and the presentation of materials in the The Ecological Footprint Atlas do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Global Footprint Network or its partner organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
For further information, please contact:. Chad Monfreda. Bishwa Tiwari. Home to more than half of the humanity, Asia Pacific region is the most vulnerable region in the world today. Despite having contributed less than others in the GHG emissions, some of the region's most vulnerable communities - those living in delta, mountains, urban slums -- face the severe consequences. The issue requires a great transformation which can be achieved through producing and consuming differently in the world today which requires a change in incentives structure, among others.
Samrad Ismayilov. There is great interest in localization and safety of food as there are increased number of people thinking about their health and becoming savvy about what they consume and how it affects the environment, so they increased responsiveness as well, which make think majority of companies to focus on sustainability strategy which comprises in itself environmental, social and economical pillar, in order to provide people with the safe, and healthy food with including food security, democracy, and sovereignty.
This thesis examines how food supply chain affects environmental change. Due to increasing world population, the environmental impact of food supply chain is getting bigger in global perspective and which cause companies to think how to provide more food which will not harm the environment and people. Research from different books and academic papers which is about sustainability in food supply chain have been taken into consideration.