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I was in my early 20s when I stepped through the gates of the Osho Ashram in Pune for the first time. I was accompanied by my partner Claudia, a Croatian cellist and composer, who at the time was studying Indian classical music in Bombay. A middle-aged blonde woman clad in a flowing maroon robe ushered us into a booth for an HIV test. It was a mandatory requirement for all new members. The commune was centered around the controversial godman, Bhagwan Rajneesh, who had been rechristened Osho after his return from the United States.
Bhagwan Rajneesh in a still from Wild Wild Country. He along with his neo-Sanyasins moved out, lock, stock and barrel, from "Rajneeshpuram", his sprawling 60,acre commune in the state of Oregon. Within three years, his followers had transformed the barren expanse into a city of up to 7, people, boasting a fire department, police, restaurants, malls, townhouses, a 4,foot airstrip, a public transport system using buses, a sewage reclamation plant and a reservoir.
The events that unfolded at the commune and the stand-off between its inmates and local residents comprise the core of the Netflix documentary series Wild Wild Country. It is a fascinating portrait of the inner workings and power dynamics of a modern-day cult led by a charismatic Guru idolised by millions around the world.
Watching this riveting series brought back many old memories of time spent and lessons learnt at the commune. As the days and weeks went by, I got into the swing of things at the Pune centre. The hour-long session was divided into five parts: We began by exhaling vigorously in a chaotic, intense manner for 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of total catharsis - releasing suppressed feelings and emotions by singing, shouting, dancing, kicking and laughing.