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To browse Academia. Josh Shaine. Lianne Hoogeveen. For additional information about this publication click this link. Jae Yup Jared Jung. Definition of Terms Used in the Research. Limitations of the Research on Highly Gifted Students.
Carrie Lynn Bailey. Angeline Villanueva. Darien A Simon. Hanna David. Abstract: Among non-gifted adolescents school-related problems might include school pressure, such as lack of learning motivation, concentration problems, lack of interest, or just laziness.
The nongifted might prefer to do fun things, such as spend time with friends rather than activities that have been chosen for them by responsible adults. Very often this is not the situation for gifted adolescents. Many of them actually like learning, love working hard in order to accomplish cognitive tasks, and wish to have more and more difficult subjects they can absorb themselves in. However, too often they cannot do it in their regular classes; many a time not even in their special gifted groups.
Eka sakti yudha. In recent times, studies focusing on the issue of gifted and talented students in Turkey have gained much traction. However, so far, these appear to have been limited in terms of the intervention strategies they offer. The question of how to respond to the social and emotional issues of gifted and talented students remains an issue, which is a source of debate, based on the experiences on the field and the directions offered by the latest studies.