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Prevalence was higher with age, lower bone mineral density BMD , and in those meeting criteria for spine imaging. Most subjects with spine fractures were unaware of them. This study collected contemporary nationally representative spine fracture prevalence data. VFA was graded by semiquantitative measurement. BMD and an osteoporosis questionnaire were collected.
Fractures were more common in non-Hispanic whites and in people with lower body mass index and BMD. Spine fracture prevalence was threefold higher in individuals meeting NOF criteria for spine imaging approximately 1 in 7 undergoing VFA. Identifying spine fractures as part of comprehensive risk assessment may improve clinical decision making.
Prevalence of both unilateral and bilateral audiometric notches and their association with sociodemographics and self-reported exposure to loud noise were calculated. The prevalence of notches was higher among males. Almost one in four U. Among participants who reported exposure to loud noise at work, almost one third had a notch. Discussions between patients and personal health care providers about hearing loss symptoms, tests, and ways to protect hearing might help with early diagnosis of hearing loss and provide opportunities to prevent harmful noise exposures.
Avoiding prolonged exposure to loud environments and using personal hearing protection devices can prevent noise-induced hearing loss. This paper analyzed program evaluation data collected by one of these organizations to gain a more nuanced understanding of how recipients used the newly developed program and resources for YBCS. Sharsheret's Thriving Again program was evaluated through a web-based survey of survivorship program participants.